You may also like command line applications that stand the test of time, operating on standardised protocols and schemas, in contrast to UI-centric web applications, which tend towards bloat, quick obsolescence, and black box proprietary backends.
- Gentoo: a "build-it-yourself" Linux operating system.
- ratpoison: a tiling-based "graphical" user interface
- xterm: I spend most of my time in the terminal
- elinks: a text only web browser. I use this as my primary browser until websites break. It also browses Gemini.
- Blender: I work heavily with analysing 3D geometry and BIM data.
- Krita: for any 2D graphics work
- Inkscape: for vector graphics work
- LaTeX: write documents
- vim: a text editor that will change your life
- mutt: a local email client
- newsboat: RSS feed reader
- ledger: financial accounting and budgeting
- weechat: connect to online chatrooms on IRC
- mc (Midnight Commander): a two-panel file browser that has completely replaced the need for a graphical file explorer
- pass: password manager using Git
- scrot: take screenshots
- ncdu: a hierarchical view of filespace usage to help keep systems lean
- nethack: the greatest game you will ever play
- Radiance: photometrically validated light simulation and rendering
- Lilypond: like LaTeX, but for scoring music
- feh: image viewer
- geeqie: multiple image viewer
- mpd with ncmpcpp: music player
- mupdf: open PDFs
- calcurse: calendar
- mplayer: watch videos
- rsync (with sync files from A to B. Used for backups. This is not a sponsored link. They're just that good.