Brand new Gentoo desktop computer

Dion Moult


It's 2018, and my 5 year old trusty Thinkpad 420i has decided to overheat for its last time. After more than 10 years of laptops, I decided to go for a desktop. I spoke to a fellow at Linux Now, who supplies custom boxes with Linux preinstalled, and are located in Melbourne, Australia (as of writing, no complaints with their service at all). A week later, I was booting up and my old laptop was headed to the nearest e-waste recycling centre. Here's the obligatory Larry cowsay:

$ cowsay `uname -a`
/ Linux dooby 4.12.12-gentoo #1 SMP Tue \
| Nov 28 09:55:21 AEDT 2017 x86_64 AMD  |
| Ryzen 5 1600X Six-Core Processor      |
\ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux                /
        \   ^__^
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Being a desktop machine, it lacks portability but this is mitigated as you can run Gentoo on your phone. Combine your phone with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse, and you have a full-on portable workstation. Your desktop will be much more powerful than your laptop, at half the price.

Tower machine

And of course, here are the hardware specs.

Filco Majestouch-2, Tenkeyless keyboard

Software-wise, it is running Gentoo Linux with KDE. Backup server is hosted by The worldfile is largely the same as my old laptop, with the addition of newsbeuter for RSS feeds. Happy 2018!


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